Senior Prank 2019: Picnic in the Parking Lot

Students surrounding the food at the picnic in the parking lot.
June 6, 2019
On Monday, June 3rd, the senior class of 2019 pulled off their prank to commemorate the end of their high school career. The seniors decided to have a morning cookout in the student parking lot from 6:30-8:20. Everyone that showed up brought food and there was a potluck. There were students playing Can Jam and throwing a football between cars. The boys then went on to play ultimate frisbee on the turf field.
The prank was changed a few times over the past few weeks to figure out what would work the best for the prank. Senior, Drew Arnold, brought a small grill and some pans to make pancakes for everyone. Many people also went to Dunkin Donuts to bring donuts, muffins and coffee. Other people decided to not participate in the potluck and brought their own breakfast to spend time with their friends.
The prank needed to be pre-approved by the principal in order to ensure that no punishment is dished out to the students that participate. The students that participated in the prank were all a bit tired but still had fun in the parking lot. Senior, Kyle Henderson, was excited to participate in the prank because “everyone was there and knowing it would be one of our last moments all together made it something that I’ll never forget.” He was part of the cooking crew and helped to make pancakes for everyone.
Another senior, Megan Phadael, didn’t realize that was the prank and thought it was just the seniors getting together one last time. However, Phadael did share that she “did enjoy breakfast and it was nice to see some of the people in the grade that I haven’t really talked to in a while.”
Although the prank may not necessarily have been overly dramatic, it was one of the last times that the graduating class was able to get together and have a fun time.