Knock Down The House

Knock Down The House

Mariella Novo


             Knock Down the House on Netflix explores the political world for rising women campaigning for an hour and 27 minutes. While it does greatly follow Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez while she was in the running, it also follows the stories of several other women fighting as democrats in the political world of the USA, as well as helping and supporting each other. Their stories each explore sadness, frustration, critical thinking, and sexism in politics. Among the list of progressive women, comes in Paula Jean Swearengin, running for Senate in West Virginia, Cori Bush running for Congress in Missouri’s first District (who’s also a nurse, an ordained pastor, and a mother), and Amy Vilela, for Nevada’s 4th Congressional District, who fought in candidacy as someone fighting from poverty and lost her daughter due to the poor healthcare system and insurance delays.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortes, AOC, discusses things among herself being a working class woman who served as a waitress 18 hours a day- much like all the other women in the running throughout this docu

mentary, they are all working class people fighting to make a change for people like them in the economy, in culture, and in wo

manhood. She starts her campaign against Joseph Crowley, the previous representative of New York’s 14th district, who hadn’t had a competitor in 14 years. As she campaigns all around Queens to get petitions signed for her to be in the running all around the streets, the time comes where she grows more and more and is finally is in the running. But it isn’t completely about AOC’s ride to getting where she got.

Unfortunately, out of all these women, Ocasio-Cortez was the only one who made it past the primaries. And yet, it isn’t just about that. It’s about the movement of women from all different places fighting for the good of people being one of the people, and not your run of the mill, corrupt politician. They fight for justice, whether it be for Michael Brown in Ferguson or for their own families. It is for the good of people just like them, just like all of us in the country living everyday as regular citizens, and the rise of women and people of color joining a system made up of white, straight old men for hundreds of years.

Watching this film is inspiring for anyone who wants to see a change. With new laws coming into place constantly that are a huge step back against these exact progressive movements that we have come to strive for and become larger and larger over these past few years, people need to keep fighting for justice. Which includes regular people who have been through hardships and know and love an area. The increase in diversity throughout systems all over the USA is something that we can’t lose. The fight against what is immoral and corrupt for the world must continue.