Gina Bretz: Lead in “Game of Tiaras”

Jessica Polito

In a cross between the popular show “Game of Thrones” and the beloved Disney princesses, SWHS is performing a comedy called “Game of Tiaras” on April 25th and April 26th. The students have been rehearsing for this comedy for roughly three months, and are ready to show parents, staff, and fellow students their work. In this play, there are multiple male and female leads. One of the female leads is senior, Gina Bretz, who plays Cinderella.

Bretz is not new to the drama department, as she has been involved since middle school. She has “always liked the arts,” and her very first performance was in eighth grade for a musical called Seussical Junior. Since that first performance, she has been in many SWHS plays and musicals such as Mary Poppins, The Great Gatsby, The Matchmaker, The Sound of Music, and Annie. Auditioning for her first high school play “was scary at first, and we didn’t know the directors so it’s very nerve wracking.” She’s very glad that she “sucked it up” and auditioned, because she continued with the program and is now a lead. This year’s comedy is Bretz’s second comedy, and she remarked that she “likes them both [comedies and musicals] about the same.

This play is unique and has a crazy plot that Bretz loves. Her favorite part of the play is “the very end when everybody dies in rapid succession, it’s so comedic because they drop like flies.” While the plot sounds depressing, she assures viewers that it’s entertaining and hilarious to watch. Bretz has enjoyed the preparation for this play specifically because as the cast has gotten “really close to the show, we’re really comfortable with our roles and take the humor to a new level.” This being said, she is proud of all the hard work that the cast has put into this production and encourages students to attend. The show starts at 7 o’clock on both nights and tickets are only $8 for students and $12 for adults.