Inside the Life of Mr. D’Amato

Olivia LaRosa

Name: Mr. D’Amato

Favorite Color: A dark hunter green

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Dessert: “My mom’s carrot cake. It is real rich and moist and just the best ever.”

Favorite Television Show: Boy Meets World

Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans

Fun Fact: He has two middle names which are Victor Anthony

Talent: Can play the black keys on the piano

Favorite Joke: Where do judges like to eat? Food Court


Mr. D’Amato is a social studies teacher here at the high school. He has been working at South Windsor High School for seven years. He spent his first year of college at Eastern but decided to transfer to the University of Connecticut where he got his teaching degree and masters degree. He went into college knowing he wanted to be a teacher and never changed his major.

D’Amato teaches many history classes such as Modern World History, AP Government and Politics, Humanities, and Sociology just to name a few. He says how he “loves teaching all of his classes but if he had to choose he prefers upperclassmen.” He explains how he enjoys teaching freshmen because he gets to help them have a “smooth transition” to high school but also enjoys the “conversations with the older kids.” He feels like he can have some really great conversations with them and appreciates that. He is not stopping there though. He now is getting his six year degree to become a principal at Central. He will be graduating in May.

At the high school, Mr. D’Amato is the freshmen team baseball coach. He has been doing so for five years and this season with be his sixth. He says “every year he has been involved in baseball in some way” and he really loves it. He finds it to be helpful to get to know kids in a setting that is not academic. He says one of the “best things is to have a student both in the classroom and on the field because you can see them excel in different ways.” He played baseball all throughout his childhood and is happy to still be involved with it.

Mr. D’Amato is one of the most interesting and fun teachers at the high school. If you are able to have him in class you will have one of the best experiences.