Here’s what you missed at Cabaret

Treble Choir performs the opening act at Cabaret.

Angelica Rivera-Oliveira

On Wednesday, March 13th, the choral department presented their annual Cabaret Concert which only featured the auditioned groups. Treble Choir, Understaffed, and Choral Spectrum all performed along with a select group of spotlight soloists. Cabaret is one of the most attended choral concerts of the year at SWHS, and it is much different than the Winter Concert and the Spring Pops Concert. Believe it or not, the audition process for spotlight solos in Cabaret isn’t limited to just singers, it was open to all kinds of acts such as dances and comedy skits. This year, senior, Olivia LaRosa, performed a dance to the song “You Say.”

Treble Choir started off the night with their rendition of the national anthem and their festival set which they will be performing at a competition in Boston. This all girls group calls themselves the “Treblemakers” and is open to all grades except freshman. The singer’s went through a long audition process to be accepted into the group, they had to be pre screened and invited to audition for Treble Choir by Mr. Martineau. He chooses girls to invite based on their midterm in Concert Choir. Treble Choir sang 4 part and 3 part songs this year, and performed a song titled “Hlonolofatsa” that featured three soloists. The young women also touched on heartfelt topics with the songs “Let The Life I’ve Lived Speak For Me” and “True Colors”. They even sang a song titled, “Pong Pong Piyangaw” which is a Filipino children’s game song. According to member Kylie Choutka, “It was one of the musically hardest pieces Treble Choir had to sing.”

After Treble Choir, there were five spotlight solos; senior, Grace Helmke, junior, Oli Griffin, senior, Marshall Nielsen, junior, Anthra Shivkumar, and juniors, Will Harper and Nikitha Kikanamada as a duo. Next was the all boys group Understaffed, which is an auditioned group that normally meets before or after school to rehearse. Understaffed wowed the crowd with their rendition of the well-known song “Brown Eyed Girl.” The group has a completely different presence on stage than Treble Choir, they don’t stand on risers and they incorporate more dancing and movement into their repertoire. To finish the night, South Windsor’s show choir Choral Spectrum performed their competition set for the audience with sparkling outfits and entertaining dance moves.