Trivia Night at SWHS!

Olivia LaRosa

This past Friday, the Student Council hosted trivia night in the cafeteria as a fundraising event. For ten dollars, teams of up to five people could participate. There were teams of students and some teams of teachers. Questions at the event varied from celebrities to sports to academic questions. Members of student council handed out slips each round where teams wrote down their answers. It was a well-organized process that made the night fun and competitive in the best way possible. At the event there was tons of food from places like Dunkin’ Donuts and Subway. The food kept people motivated to answer the questions.

Ms. Ullinger is in charge of student council and worked very hard to make the night run as smooth as it did. Student Council organized some great prizes for the top teams. The first place prize was a $200 gift card to Sakura, the second place prize was a $100 gift card to Friendly’s, and the third place prize was a $50 gift card ot Dairy Queen. The first place winner was Team SNES, second place went to the A-Team, and third place went to  Smarty Party.

Senior Jess Mann was a member of the team that won 3rd place. She describes the night as being “fun and something worth doing.” A lot of people came out and attended, but more could’ve. I highly recommend that everyone does next year because it is really fun and you won’t regret it. Sophomore Kathy Adusumilli says she “can’t wait to do it again next year” and hopes to win first place next time. Overall, the night was a huge success and was worth participating in.