Winter Pep Rally!

Katelyn Macomber and Jillian Thibodeau

  • Kids of all grades leaving the school at the end of the pep rally.

  • The winter pep rally started off with William Harper singing the national anthem.

  • Choral spectrum performs and invites students to attend their first concert this Saturday in Massachusetts.

  • Several teachers performed as students a dance with cardboard head cutouts.

  • The girls gymnastics team shared a video showing their hard work through routines and special talents.

  • The girls cheerleading then showed students their individual talents along with showing the school their new routines.

  • Teacher Ms. Lyons brought both the girls and boys basketball teams out to play trivia about the opposite team. The boys side won.

  • The girls dance team performed one of their dances.

  • A dance battle broke across the floor leaving Alex Tran as the overall dance winner.

  • The pep rally ended off with students throwing spirit T-shirts to the students.

  • The crowd exiting the pep rally into the cold outdoors.

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On Thursday, January 31st, SWHS held their third pep rally of the year. Typically, the majority of students aren’t huge fans of pep rallies, but this time reactions weren’t as bad. An anonymous student at SWHS thought that “It was alright because there was a lot more enthusiasm this time.”

To start off the pep rally, Choral Spectrum performed a few songs that they would be competing within their upcoming competition. The talented group danced and sang to two very upbeat songs and by the expressions on their face, one could only assume they were having a blast. Their performance was a hit with the audience, as many enjoyed it. Sophomore, Sarah Cadman, simply stated “Spectrum did a wonderful job with their dance.” Junior, Katrina Doherty, said that it was, “entertaining because you need some sort of diversity in performances, and I kinda need a break from all the rap music they play during the pep rallies.” Not too soon after Spectrum went on, Will Harper, sang the national anthem.

Next, was Mr. Carlson and Ms. Lyons’ carpool karaoke and dance. The two showed a video of their carpool karaoke with Junior, Justice Ellison, and Senior, Billy Oulundson. Once the video ended, teachers of all departments came out and started dancing while holding cardboard signs with the sports captions faces on them. While watching, many students were laughing and just having a great time. To find out more you can read ‘Carlson 101’ on the Bobcat Prowl. 

Following Carlson and Lyon’s act, was the swim team’s video that was based on the game ‘Super Smash Bros.’ The video consisted of all the boys on the team being apart of the video and doing flips into the pool to promote the team. Each athlete was given a funny name that fit them perfectly, each doing something different to stand out from their teammates. Junior, Ethan Bushman, was sitting in a bucket “sleeping” and his name was ‘tick tock on the clock,’ meaning that he was late because he fell asleep. At the pep rally, you could tell that people enjoyed it because you would hear screaming from each section when someone they knew came onto the screen. Overall, this video was well-liked among all four grades at the pep rally.

However, even though there were some good parts to the pep rally, there were things that students thought could make it better. Some students liked the pep rallies better when there were games and when people could be called down to play them. Doherty stated, “It [the pep rally] wasn’t as interesting as when it had games, but it wasn’t terrible.”

For the most part, students thought that the pep rally this time around was better than what it was in the past, but there are definitely some things that could still be improved. However, students are fine with how this pep rally turned out, and thought that it was okay. But we just hope that the student’s requests will be taken into consideration for the next pep rally so that they could be more enjoyable for everyone.