Ski Club Thursday Fun Days

Katelyn Macomber

Among the SWHS students, there is a small selection who chooses to participate in a weekly ski trip to various mountains in Connecticut. Every Thursday afternoon, several students gather on a bus that takes the group to local mountain, Ski Sundown. This local mountain provides a good experience for the students, giving them a chance to ski with their friends,  spending the night enjoying the view by their rooms, and the trail conditions. The experience provides many students to feel free from their pressing school work while still attending a fun and safe trip.

Students explain their experiences as a way to enjoy a school event without worrying about school work. Junior, Kenzie Eppler, explains her first Thursday trip is “A way to be outside in the winter while still having fun and doing something productive.” Eppler explains how even though she has homework to do it is a good break to go skiing right after school with friends. The weekday trips are seen as a safe and fun way to be apart of a school club while sharing what you love to do with your friends.

However, other students feel it’s difficult in participating on the weekday trips due to homework load. Junior, Bailey Puebla, explains how it’s hard coming back late at night and still having time to shower and do her work. Puebla states, “While I’m skiing, I’m not worried about any work I have until I get home and realize how many things I have to do.” Clearly, even though the ski club is providing a break from school work, many still have to complete assignments. Even though the limited time once getting home is stressful Puebla also shows “Once I have finished my homework and have done everything I had to, I get to keep the amazing memories I made that day.”

Overall, the ski and snowboard club is a way for students to experience being with their friends on a weekday enjoying the mountain.