As The SAT Gets Closer, Many Students Have to Decide Whether to Get Help or Not

2019 SAT test prep book

2019 SAT test prep book

Katelyn Macomber

Over the next several months several juniors will be participating in SAT prep classes. These classes are used as practice in order for students to prepare for their college future. Many feel these classes make a big difference in their scores and teach them how to successfully take this big test. However, other students feel that the classes would not make a difference on their score. These classes use SAT instructors who are motivated to help each student in order to benefit their future test taking skill.

The high school is filled with many students who will be participating in the 2019 SAT in order to prepare themselves for college. Many choose to take these classes because of previous students popular opinion. Junior, Kaylee Klemba, explains how many of her brothers friends that graduated encouraged her to take these classes. Klemba says “I have heard that the instructors slowly teach you how to go through each problem.” The classes give students the opportunity to ask questions based on SAT problems and get a feel of the problems they will encounter on the test.  

On the other side, some students feel these classes will not help prepare for such a big test. Junior, Kenzie Eppler, doesn’t plan on taking these classes because she feels that since she is more of an independent learner that studying on her own with practice books would be more helpful than taking the class. Students claim that they do not have the time to sit in classes and listen to a teacher explain problems to a bunch of students. Junior, Dhespina Hatika, says “Just becoming a new driver and beginning to work makes it hard to focus on spending your time with these classes.”  Along with different learning skills, some students feel they do not want to use their time for these classes.

Whether students are independent learners, planning on studying on their own, or planning on taking these classes, it clearly shows that many are choosing to study for this test in different settings. SAT time is coming faster than some would expect, and being prepared is key.