94.1% of Students Feel School Causes Stress

Student Harley Mikkelson working hard in study hall

Student Harley Mikkelson working hard in study hall

Erin Arsenault

Going through high school can get tough for students. As they go throughout school, ascending grade levels, it gets progressively more stressful, and ultimately harder. Not only is that the case, but students more often than not have other things going on outside of their classes, like a sport, club, or job they need to attend to. This adds on stress for these kids, but they also need to do the work that is assigned to them from teachers. 

It’s very unlikely to come across a student who doesn’t feel too stressed out. This is not only thanks to the things students do outside of school, but it can also tie into how much pressure high school puts on their students to succeed. According to Globe News Wire, it states that  “nearly 45% [students]said they were stressed ‘all the time,’ citing relationships and teachers as the primary reasons why.”

In South Windsor High School, there are a lot of students who work, or participate in extracurricular activities after school so they can still have fun while being a student. The workload of some classes, however, makes these activities hard to keep up with for some students. For example, a teacher may assign a 500 word essay due by the next day, and a student may be working after school. These two things not only will clash, and make it hard to balance out work and school, but it also makes students stressed out. Furthermore, students who work or do other activities, then need to go home, do what they need to do around their home, eat dinner, and somehow manage in that time to do their assignments. This means staying up late to finish homework or getting up early, which also does not help with their ability to do work since they’re sleep deprived.

Statistics from South Windsor High School show that 94.1% of students feel their stress rises from school. For example, sophomore Nicole Leyner claims ”For me it’s hard to have to study for 5 different tests that all happen maybe on the same day or week and having to worry about what you need to get done with after school as well.” Others said similar things, as Emma Railbeck states, “The amount of academic pressure put on students is too much. Grades are constantly on student’s minds because we had it embedded in our minds that it determines our future. We are constantly being given long hours of homework that don’t even give students a chance to take a break and de-stress from school.”

South Windsor High School is a classic high school, with stress on the students. One of the main things students talk about is lightening up their workload, even though it’s difficult to be able to do so.