Join GSA Club!

Mrs. Knapp

Club photo from the 2017-2018 school year.

Clara Gomes, Editor

The Gay/Straight Alliance club, or “GSA,” is the perfect after school activity to get involved in if you want to meet new people in an all-inclusive environment.  On Mondays, in Mrs. Knapp’s room, you can meet kind people in a comforting environment to talk about getting our school to feel more inclusive. Last Monday, the GSA got off to a great start. Members talked about their initiative, tasty treats were offered to people who came to the meeting, and members discussed ways to emphasize to others at the school that being gay is not necessary to join the club.

According to Mrs. Knapp, who is the club’s organizer, the most challenging part of getting people interested in joining the club is because of “a false perception of what the club is.” She also adds that“there is a misconception that if a person is a member of our group, they automatically identify as LGBTQ, which is not the case. Our group is about support and advocacy; we are an alliance of all types of students who care about making all of our spaces safe and equitable.” It is not necessary that you identify as gay, straight, bi, etc. to join. The club has been created in order to support one another regardless of our differences in an open environment.

“They greet with open minds and open hearts, they support each other and others; no questions asked. Their enthusiasm for inclusivity is astounding and moving. They give me a great deal of hope.”

This year, the club has a mission. Members intend on creating more publicity for the club and what they are about. The group also wants to focus on easing the transition process for transgender students. For one, members believe that name changes in Powerschool should become an option for students exploring their identities.

As for future events going on for the club this year, the members are preparing for what they call Ally Week in November.

“It’s a week we like to extend to all groups of people,” explained Knapp. “Advocating kindness and compassion. We’re also planning a fun Halloween activity — stay tuned!”

Want the opportunity to express your concerns, frustrations, and optimism to people who love you, care about you, and support you? What are you waiting for? Upcoming meetings will be held on:

Monday, October 1st

Monday, October 15th

Monday, October 29

Because rehearsals for the school play are starting up in the fall, Mrs. Knapp being the director, please also welcome Ms. Flachsbart, the GSA’s guest adviser! Mrs. Flachsbart is both an adviser for our Mind’s Eye Literary Magazine and the GSA.