The ‘Bobcat Dress for Success Program’ proposal was approved by SWHS administration on Wednesday, March 12. This new initiative aims to provide professional clothing for students in need.
The program will help ensure that all students have equitable access to professional attire for interviews, presentations, capstone projects, and other important events. The goal is to offer students the opportunity to borrow or keep formal attire, with a confidential request process to maintain privacy.
Dress for Success is being facilitated by SWHS social worker Mrs. Lauren Treviso and English teacher Mrs. Cara Quinn.
“I’m really excited about starting this program,” SWHS school social worker, Mrs. Lauren Treviso said. “I believe that it perfectly aligns with South Windsor’s Portrait of a Graduate and gives more accessibility to students who are striving to be empowered members of our community.”
As South Windsor High School’s population continues to grow, there are more students participating in extracurricular activities that are associated both within the school or in the community.
“We discussed the interviews our students go on, the visitors we have in our building on a weekly basis for presentations about careers and continuing education, and the extra curricular activities and their more formal events,” Treviso said. “With all of that school community engagement, it’s hard not to think about how many students are potentially not participating in these opportunities if they don’t have the means to dress for the occasion.”
Therefore, this program will help with empowering students even further by making access to professional attire more equitable and attainable.
Additionally, one of the areas that SWHS measures success during a capstone presentation is if the presenter is wearing neat, professional attire.
“As a capstone advisor and someone who evaluates capstone presentations, I was thinking about students who may not have professional attire and how there is a spot on the rubric where this can negatively impact their overall score,” a co-organizer for the ‘Dress for Success program’ Mrs. Cara Quinn said.
Leveling the playing field for all students would mean making access to more formal attire just as accessible as any other resource in the building.
Currently, the program is in its early stages and is seeking support from the South Windsor community to get started.
“I’ve worked in other districts before South Windsor, and while each district has their individual needs and population of students, there will always be a need to support student success and confidence,” Treviso commented.
‘Dress for Success’ is accepting donations of new or gently used formal clothing, including button-down shirts, collared shirts, polo shirts, blazers, formal jackets, sweaters, cardigans, skirts, dresses, suits, ties, scarves, and other formal accessories.
To donate, please bring clothing to the donation box located in front of the SWHS counseling office. Students will be able to request clothing through a Google Form that will be posted soon.
This program is available to all students, with a particular focus on providing options for those who may not have access to professional attire. ‘Dress for Success’ hopes to open new doors for students and eliminate barriers that might prevent them from pursuing new opportunities.