South Windsor High School graduate Luke St. Amand spoke about his journey with his company, LecTec at an assembly at SWHS on February 25th from 1:00pm to 1:45pm.
St. Amand spoke to SWHS business and science classes about the build up leading to his company, LecTec, and his appearance recently on Shark Tank. This event educated and inspired students as they were taught how St. Amand never gave up with all of the trial and error leading up to his success.
Classes in the business, math, science, and technology departments were invited to attend the assembly to learn about St. Amand’s story in developing a company.
St. Amand started off the assembly introducing how he originally attended school at South Windsor High School, and was an average student who worked very hard, acknowledging he was not perfect. This sent a message to all students that the perseverance and resilience SWHS stands for is extremely important for success.
St. Amand believes this message to students is important for them to hear.
“Nothing is stopping you, you can achieve anything you want to do,” St. Amand said.

Throughout the assembly, students asked and answered questions, engaged with this inspiring speaker. Without a doubt, St. Amand’s story will leave a lasting impression on students.
“I felt inspired because he showed that you are always able to pave your own path in the world through hard work,” freshman SWHS student Ethan Pugrab said.
Students learning about LecTec and the process of overcoming challenges in order to succeed is an important point St. Amand made clear to students proving how if you want something, go for it.
“Find something you love and have fun with,” St Amand said.
This assembly sent students home thinking about the values St. Amand shared during his journey to success through LecTec.