The Islamic Cultural Club held its third meeting of the school year in room 227 on Wednesday, February 5th, with members coming together at South Windsor High School to plan for possible events throughout the upcoming holy month of Ramadan, starting late February.
“This year, I hope we’re going to be able to get together monthly,” Islamic Cultural Club advisor, Mr. Ly said.
In preparation for the holy month of Ramdan, members of the Islamic Cultural Club are planning events and activities to share the culture and traditions associated with the month.
The Islamic Cultural Club enables for Muslim students in South Windsor High School to share their religion, culture, and values, and has big plans to do just that this coming March.
The events discussed include a possible Iftar night, as well as a venue at the Multicultural Fair later this year. Iftar night will include the sharing of foods and traditions from a variety of cultures, taking place after school, and will illustrate how each culture celebrates the holy month. Beyond Iftar night, the club is already planning ways to expand its impact and reach.
Ly is especially eager for the future of the club, emphasizing the importance of growth and community support.

“I want to be able to take this club to the next level and do a lot of fundraising and helping those in need,” Ly said.
Ly, as well as the club members, have spent a great deal of time focusing on raising funds for these events. These fundraisers will take place inside and outside of school at local Mosques and Muslim owned establishments.
These funds will not only help the club, but a portion of the funds will also go to charities in the Middle East and other Muslim countries across the world. This will include, among others, relief for victims of natural disasters, as well as relief for people in Gaza.
“One of my ultimate goals is making sure any event we host can appeal to any audience and make it a learning experience for everyone,” Islamic Cultural Club President, Alveena Suha said.
Keep up with the Islamic Cultural Club on their Instagram.