The idea of ninth grade is frightening to most 8th graders and parents, but South Windsor High School has found a way to bridge the transition from middle to high school with ease.
On January 7th, South Windsor High School hosted 8th grade parent night, a night to go in depth about what parents should know before their students begin 9th grade.
The school counselors talked about the different classes and electives future students will be able to take, explaining where students can select their courses on PowerSchool and how many credits students will need in order to graduate.
“The biggest benefit to holding this type of event is to have parents/guardians become familiar with the course selection process,” 9th grade school counselor, Mrs. Keleher explained.
Rising ninth graders were able to gain a better understanding of what next year will look like.
“The ninth grade orientation was really beneficial because I learned that you have to have a certain amount of credits to pass the grade. I also learned about the different subjects and classes that the high school has to offer,” rising 9th grader, Mason Costa explained.
The orientation covered a wide range of topics to prepare students for their transition to high school.
“Topics that were discussed at this event included the 8 period school day and classes students take during their 9th grade year (English, math, science, social studies and health), levels offered to incoming 9th grade students (CP or Honors- and the difference between the levels), and what electives are and what are available to students (Art, Career-Tech Ed, Music, World Language, General Electives as well as electives in English and Science classes),” Keleher said.
As part of the night, students were given passports to have stamped by teachers. This allowed teachers the opportunity to discuss the progression of different subjects from grades 9-12.

Mrs. Carmela Dahms-Lodge, a member of the South Windsor High School English Department was there helping out at the event.
“Each student or family member received a passport and received a stamp for each station they went to,” Dahms-Lodge said.
Interactions between parents and school staff heled to ease the nerves of the impending transition.
“The greatest benefit of the Rising Ninth Grade Night is that grade 8 families are provided with the opportunity to learn about the ELA courses and course sequence. This is the beginning of a relationship between the ELA teachers and families,” South Windsor Public Schools’ K-12 Curriculum Specialist, Mrs. Kathleen Simoneau commented.
The most important takeaway that South Windsor High School Principal, Mr. Joseph LeRoy, hopes parents left the evening with was feeling engaged with the school team and SWHS community.
“Allowing [parents and students] to feel a sense of connection to our school, awareness and understanding of key components of the High School transition, and a belief and feeling that the Bobcat family always puts students first,” Principal LeRoy commented.
Mr. LeRoy wants parents and future students to know that the school will do everything it takes to meet the individual needs of all students “as they find their own ways to Dream, Achieve, and Inspire throughout their time at SWHS.”
Parents found the consistent message supportive.
“I think [admin] did a really nice job introducing themselves, discussing the high expectations that 8th graders will be held to, and the support that will be offered as part of the transitioning process,” South Windsor High School teacher and 8th grade parent Mrs. Lindsay McGinn said.