At the beginning of every month, South Windsor High School holds assemblies for each grade level in order to motivate, encourage, and provide an overview of how the school year has been going thus far for each particular grade level. These assemblies help build community and give advice as to where to improve and what to keep up with.
“It’s a time for us to get together as a grade level and as a community to share important information about our grade level, encourage all students through our P.O.G.(Portrait of a Graduate), and give insight into how well our attendance is going for each grade. This assembly also shared information about course selection,” Anselma Yarde, SWHS Assistant Principal who oversees 9th grade, explained.
To begin the New Year off, the High School’s first assembly was held on January 7th, during Bobcat Block for the class of 2028.
To start the assembly on a positive note, Yarde was pleased to share the great attendance record of our freshman class. As for the month of December, 97% of freshmen were present at school. She encouraged students to keep up a high attendance rate and strive to make 9th grade the best year it could be.
Yarde also discussed midterm exams and preparation tools that the school offers such as NHS tutoring, the writing center, and review sessions in classes.
These assemblies also serve as a way to know what problems exist in each grade and what course of action to take moving forward.
In 9th grade, the concern about skipping class was mentioned as some students occasionally used the bathrooms as a place to hang out instead of attending their classes. To address this, it was reiterated that students who engaged in this behavior faced potential reductions in their hall pass privileges.
Knowing these flaws are important, this builds more connection and something to strive for improving as a grade.
“The assemblies give us positive feedback about how we are doing during the year. They help us be better students,” freshman Nirvaan Thakran explained.
The assemblies don’t happen often, but when they do, it aids students in understanding the important events coming up in their grade and various topics they need to be concerned with throughout the year. By continuing these assemblies, students can connect understand each other better and continue the next years ahead as a closer knit community.