South Windsor High School has gotten a fresh new look to start off this school year. From the newly painted walls to the South Windsor High School posters in the athletic hallway.
¨They give the school a different look. There have been a lot of changes around here in the past few years, so this one really just adds to the newer feel,¨ Senior Class President Nihaal Thakran stated.
The man behind these changes is Principal Mr. Joseph LeRoy.
¨Upgrades to the school were driven by our student feedback, staff feedback and opportunities not only to align with what our school mission and vision is, but more so making our school one that embodies the kids being in the forefront of everything we do,” Principal LeRoy stated.
In front of the cafeteria, the display cases have a new format highlighting South Windsor High School’s state champions from a variety of sports such as basketball, soccer, and football as well as signage placed all over the building promoting the attributes of the district’s ‘Portrait of a Graduate’: Engaged, Resilient, Socially Conscious and Empowered.
“We talk about wanting to get students engaged in our learning, and every morning we talk about how we can be engaged and empowered and show ‘Portrait of a Graduate’ attributes,¨ LeRoy told The Prowl.
In front of the library, televisions have been installed and athletic news, student of the month, featured clubs and calendars display updated information for students daily.
¨We’re proud, and the more we take care of our facilities, the more we take care of everything, and acknowledging that the building is old, but if we can maintain it, take care of it, renovate it, we then move to a space where we can feature the community,¨ Associate Principal Mrs. Jessica Serrano stated.

The weight room was redesigned to model a typical college weight room with mirrors added and the result is the appearance of more space due to the leg machines being moved to the back of the area.
“I feel like they were necessary changes since we had the same look in the weight room since my freshman year, and it is just a better feel in the weight room now,” senior athlete Fadel Kafel said.
In the lobby, new chairs were installed to give visitors and students a place to sit while they wait for students at pickup or before a show in the auditorium.
Overall, these changes have cultivated a positive environment in South Windsor High School.