South Windsor High School’s ‘Legally Blonde’ production took the stage on Friday, November 15th, at 7 p.m. and on November 16th, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
After hours of preparation, the cast performed a total of three shows, which kept the audience engaged throughout the entire production.
However, putting on a show doesn’t just come naturally, it takes hard work and practice. The cast had to rehearse every week, after school hours and occasionally on the weekends.
Rehearsals were tough to mimic the final production, with the members having to learn dances and practice the dances while singing. The cast members had to create a lot of stamina to be able to perform the routines.
While preparing for the show was a tough task, the cast members were able to pull it off and produce an amazing show. The show also allowed the cast members to create bonds and friendships like no other.
“Being in the musical was such a fun experience, and I got the chance to grow a lot of friendships,” cast member Kaityln Roy said.
While the cast members are an essential part of the show and its success, the crew was vital.
The crew was responsible for changing the sets in between scenes, regulating the microphones that were placed on the cast, and the sound, as well as changing the lights during and between scenes.

“I’m proud of the work that both the cast and crew put into the show,” cast member Tiernan Cabot stated.
Overall, the play was a smashing success, even when moments got stressful both cast and crew had a blast putting on the show.
“I feel like everyone had a lot of stressful moments, but we worked hard to pull it off,” lead cast member Hailey Olints stated.
Although both cast and crew members are sad to see the show end, they can’t wait to see what the spring production will bring.