On Monday, October 28, 45 students were officially inducted into South Windsor High School’s Science National Honors Society. The Science National Honors Society aims at improving scientific literacy within the community by providing several opportunities for enrichment.
Members of the Science National Honors Society (SNHS) actively participate in volunteer work and engage in activities they are passionate about. The ninth grade science fair, the Science Olympiad Invitational, and the STEM newsletter are just a few of the events members of SNHS help run and participate in.
In an interview with The Prowl, Kaitlyn Roy, an inductee, explained her intentions behind joining SNHS.
“I wanted to join something that might give me more opportunities,” Roy said.
At the ceremony, inductees recited a pledge and received certificates, officially joining the honors society. Mrs. Jessica Serrano recited a few words to commend the new members. With the end of the ceremony, Satvik Kadappanavar, SNHS’s president, gave a few inspiring words.

“Science is not about knowing everything. In fact, that’s what makes it beautiful. Sure, beautiful may not be the way you would describe it when you stare helplessly at a blank test, but this uncertainty is what makes it unique. This uncertainty is the only part of science that is certain. So embrace it. Embrace the uncertainty, and have fun with it,” Kadappanavar emphasized.
After the ceremony, a reception was held to congratulate the new members. Families made their way to the lobby, where students captured the moment with photos, and enjoyed treats with friends.
Inductee, Christianna Macchi, says “[her] favorite part was getting the SNHS pin and cookies at the end.”
In order to get into SNHS, students in grades eleven and twelve must have a 3.5 or higher weighted GPA and be enrolled in an advanced level science course. It is truly an honor for these inductees to join the honors society.