Every year in the week leading up to homecoming, the SWHS student council organizes a spirit week full of different themed outfit days to boost school spirit. Spirit week finishes with the homecoming pep rally followed by the football game and dance later into the evening.
Here’s a look at the spirit week days for 2024:
Friday – 10/11/24 – Bobcat Spirit
Students may have noticed that this year spirit week started the Friday before homecoming. This change was made to accommodate the long weekend and no school on Monday. For a full five days of spirit, the festivities were kicked off a week early. The first spirit day was Bobcat Spirit, and students were instructed to wear their SWHS merch and school colors.

Tuesday – 10/15/24 – Perfect Pairs/Terrific Trios
Tuesday’s spirit was perfect pairs or terrific trios. Sometimes known as twin day, this spirit day encourages people to coordinate outfits with friends.
“I think matching outfits with a friend is a really fun idea, because it gives us a chance to collaborate with one another and it shows our spirit,” said sophomore Hannah Kowalchik.
Wednesday – 10/16/24 – Pink Out

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, the annual pink out spirit day was held on Wednesday. Many fall sports athletes have worn pink out spirit for October games and meets, and now students and staff are invited to wear as much pink as possible.
Thursday – 10/17/24 – Student Teacher Swap
Thursday’s spirit was more unique this year, with an outfit swap between students and teachers. Teachers and staff went all out wearing sweatpants and airpods during the day. Some students dressed professionally, while others matched with a favorite teacher.
“It was fun to see students dress up as specific teachers in the building and teachers embraced a comfy look with sweats” said student council advisor Ms. Ullinger.
Friday – 10/18/24 – Color Wars
Spirit week came to an end on Friday with the pep rally and homecoming events. Grades were each assigned a color to wear. 9th grade wore maroon, 10th wore white, 11th wore gray, and 12 graders wore all black. School spirit was high during the pep rally as the gym bleachers were filled with students decked out in their assigned colors.