The SADD Club (Students Against Destructive Decisions) passed out airheads during the morning bus drop off at South Windsor High School on Wednesday, October 2nd.
When you walked in on Wednesday morning, a club member greeted you asking if you wore your seatbelt, and if you did, you were given an airhead. Airheads were the candy of choice because making a safe decision to wear your seatbelt indicates that you aren’t an “airhead,” club advisor Kathy Reed explained.
Students enjoy this activity because it rewards them and reminds them of safety protocols that are crucial while on roadways.
This has been a tradition happening for several years, but before Covid, it used to be slightly different. Previously, club members would stop your car in the parking lot and check if you had your seatbelt on.
“It’s important to make students aware of this and how important it is to follow safety precautions,” said SADD Club member Elise Suffish.
The purpose of this event was to promote seat belt wearing and safe driving. The Club picked this topic because they believe in the importance of safe decisions. “It’s something we have always promoted,” Suffish said.

Along with the candy distribution, members of the SADD club created signs during their bi-monthly meetings on Wednesday mornings. The signs promoted putting your phones down, and they were placed in front of the high school.
In recent years, there has been a large increase in fatal accidents involving teen drivers and texting. In fact, “Everyday 11 teenagers die because they were texting and driving,” according to the Connecticut Insurance Exchange.
Positive reinforcement from groups like the SADD Club helps raise awareness of the issue and aims to reduce the number of accidents.
The SADD Club raises awareness about various issues, including drug use, drinking, and other destructive behaviors, staying true to its name—Students Against Destructive Decisions.
This club also has many fun activities for students throughout the year.
“We have a bunch of activities like Relieve the Stress Fest. I like these because it gives me something to look forwards to after school, and I get to see my friends while knowing I’m helping others as well,” senior Klaudia Panek explained. Relieve the Stress Fest has food, games and music. This event will be taking place later this year.”

Recently, SADD has also helped with the Morgan’s Message field hockey game on October 10th. This game was all about mental health as Morgan was a lacrosse player who tragically took her own life.
SADD does amazing things for the community and is always promoting good decisions over a variety of subjects.
“I like helping out the community and making positive impacts as well as spreading awareness,” Panek said.
If you’re looking to help make a difference join the SADD Google Classroom, and join over 50 members in making South Windsor a better and safer place.