One of the coolest classes offered at SWHS, Guitar and Electronic Music.
Guitar and Electronic Music
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About the Contributors

Isabella Giammarino, Editor/ Feature Specialist
Isabella Giammarino is a senior at South Windsor High School who loves writing. When she found out about The Bobcat Prowl she knew she would be a great addition to the paper. As a feature specialist, she is charge of all the feature stories that come through The Prowl. In the future, she aspires to minor in literature and hopes to write books. She looks forward to working in a professional writing environment surrounded by like-minded people.

Nihaal Thakran, Staff Writer
Nihaal Thakran is a senior at South Windsor High School. He is the fourth time returning class president, and is a varsity captain for the Bobcats football team. Nihaal loves sports and has played football for 7 years now. He loves listening to music, and he listens to music the majority of his day. He works at the local Dairy Queen during his free time, as well.

Parker Deleissegues, Staff Writer
Parker Deleissegues is a senior at South Windsor High School and a writer for The Bobcat Prowl. They wanted to take journalism because they love affecting others’ lives with their writing. They love listening to music, and listen to pretty much all genres of it. After high school, they have plans to make music professionally.

Nirvaan Thakran, Staff Writer
Nirvaan is a freshman at South Windsor High School. This is his first year in Journalism writing for The Bobcat Prowl. He is currently playing for the SWHS football team, and is planning on playing Lacrosse in the spring. Nirvaan loves sports and has been playing them since he was very little. He enjoys spending time with his family, and listens to music to calm him down.