Breast Cancer Walk

October 2, 2017
The month of October is here! Breast Cancer Awareness month raises awareness to those who have battled this terrible illness. More than 200,000 people are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, it has become a common illness amongst our country.
Every year Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and the American Cancer Society team up to host a walk in every state for those who have dealt with the disease.
The breast cancer walk will take place in the Bushnell Park in Hartford, CT. The walk is on Sunday, October 29th. Registration is at 8:30 a.m and the walk starts at 10:00 a.m.
Around this time of year many raise money for the walk to help end the fight for breast cancer. To donate click:;jsessionid=00000000.app331b?NONCE_TOKEN=DFBDBD5AA97BBD0ADE172BF652A43C88&pagename=strides_donate_now&FR_ID=84786. Help Making Strides reach their goal of $317,000. Please wear pink all this month to promote Breast Cancer Awareness.