The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Seniors Travel Thousands of Miles for a Unique College Experience

Gonzalex and Coursey (Canva).
Gonzalez standing in front of a statue at USC and Coursey when he visited the U.K. last summer.

With the 2023-24 school year coming to a close, most seniors already know their plans for next year, including what colleges they will be attending.

While a large number of graduating seniors at SWHS are going to Connecticut state colleges and New England universities, a few have chosen to travel hundreds, even thousands, of miles away for a fresh start.

One such senior is Brock Coursey, who is attending Aberystwyth University in Wales, starting the fall of 2024, and will major in International Relations and History. He hasn’t seen the campus in person, but is excited to delve into the culture and be surrounded by all new experiences.

“Just having a completely new experience and look on life, I wanted something like that,” explained Coursey in an interview with The Prowl.

While Coursey has visited the U.K. before, he hasn’t seen the campus of Aberystwyth in person yet, and hasn’t even been to Wales. Living there will be a completely new world for him.

Brock’s school year starts on September 23rd, but he will travel to Wales about a week before to set up. 

Closer than Coursey, but still about 3,000 miles from home, senior Isaac Gonzalez will be attending the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, and majoring in Neuroscience.

Gonzalez originally applied to USC because he wanted to live in a warmer climate, and because he has family in LA, which provides a bit of a safety net. He is also looking forward to being surrounded by the USC school spirit.

“While I am sad to leave my family and friends, I cannot wait to get out to California and could not be more happy,” said Gonzalez in an email with The Prowl

Gonzalez’s school year starts on August 26, but his move-in date is August 21. Over the summer, he is looking for a roommate and spending as much time as he can with family and friends before the move.

Both students have a lot to look forward to next year and will hopefully chart a course for those who are looking to follow in their footsteps.


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About the Contributor
Ethan Sands
Ethan Sands, Staff Writer
Ethan Sands is a new junior at South Windsor High School. He loves writing of any kind and is excited to start at  The Bobcat Prowl this year. In his free time, he likes to play basketball in his driveway and he also climbs at Stone Age Rock Gym in Manchester CT. He doesn’t know what career he wants to pursue, yet, but is planning to go to some sort of college after high school. Between high school and college, he wants to go on a road trip across the country with his friends.