Students in the Class of 2024 filled up the South Windsor High School Auditorium on Thursday, May 30, for the yearly Senior Awards Night, where they would be selected for either department awards, Portrait of a Graduate Awards, or high honors awards. The graduating class’s Top 10 was always announced.
There were around 13 teachers, administrators and curriculum specialists on the stage to announce awards. In attendance included Mr. Rizutto, Mr. Canova, Mrs. White, Mrs. Lopez, Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Caless, Mr Sytulek, Ms. Stoj.
Seniors were instructed to sit in the front rows, as their families sat behind in the auditorium, allowing them easier access to the stage to receive the awards. Awards for specific departments were given out, such as math, art, english, and technology, as well as Portrait of a Graduate awards.
Olivia Kvadus collected many awards, making the most frequent trips up to the stage.
Mahana Nagarur was announced as the Valedictorian for the class of ‘24 and Ria Shah was given the honor of salutatorian.
The top 10 for this year’s graduating senior class was rounded out with Rishabh Mohapatra, Raisa Kahlid, Arnav Kumar, Olivia Kvadus, Caroline Perkins, Advaith Satish, Nandhana Senthilkumar, and Grace Yang.
Students also received awards for showcasing characteristics of the Portrait of a Graduate such as engaged, empowered, resilient and being socially conscious.