The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

South Windsor residents pose for a photo while attending the 42nd Annual Strawberry Festival
Annual Strawberry Festival and Craft Fair
Eliza Blanchfield, Editor • June 10, 2024

On Saturday, June 8th, the South Windsor Republican Town Committee (SWRTC) hosted the 42nd annual Strawberry...

Gonzalez standing in front of a statue at USC and Coursey when he visited the U.K. last summer.
Seniors Travel Thousands of Miles for a Unique College Experience
Ethan Sands, Staff Writer • June 5, 2024

With the 2023-24 school year coming to a close, most seniors already know their plans for next year,...

Science Fair
Hana Moustafa, Izabella McKenna, and Ethan SandsJune 5, 2024

South Windsor High School Science Fair took place on Friday, May 24th. Freshman science students presented...

South Windsor Pops Concert
Gwen Giard, Staff Writer • June 4, 2024

Maura Fitzgerald at work as a South Windsor Town Councilor.
A New Addition, Feature Maura Fitzgerald
Emily Porter, Staff Writer • June 3, 2024

After sitting with a vacant seat for a while, Democrat Maura Fitzgerald was appointed to fill the South...

South Windsor, a town of amazing outdoor parks and facilities, proudly unveiled its latest gem – the Outdoor Fitness Center at Nevers Park.
New Outdoor Fitness Center
Hadi Memon, Staff Writer • June 3, 2024

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From Farm to Market

South Windsor’s Farmers Market to open on June 1st
Sign on Nevers Road promoting the Farmers Market near the markets entrance
Lilliana Girouard
Sign on Nevers Road promoting the Farmers Market near the market’s entrance

Opening on the 1st of June, the South Windsor Farmers Market is a beloved event hosted every Sunday from 9 am-12 pm just off Nevers Road. 

The South Windsor Parks and Rec Department hosts the market, and many local farmers contribute to the event and serve as some of the most popular and oldest vendors there. The market typically has around 20-40 vendors depending on the month and popular trends across the town. One of the most popular vendor booths tends to be the Parks in Rec department tent, as many people are interested in new events in the town.

Shauna Damon is the Recreation Supervisor of Special Events and Inclusion for the South Windsor Parks and Recreation Department. In this position, Damon helps organize the vendors and helps new vendors sign up for the event.

We look to fill the needs of the community, and when we are ‘missing’ something, we make it our goal to find the solution

— Shauna Damon

We try our best to have an assortment of different types of produce and products, Damon explained. “We look to fill the needs of the community, and when we are ‘missing’ something, we make it our goal to find the solution.”

The Parks and Rec Department only recently took over planning the event four years ago. Before this change, the South Windsor Farmers Market was hosted and ran by volunteers. 

As a bonus, many farms selling their products at the market are local.

“We have [been] really dedicated farms that grow in CT and grow [locally]. They are what makes us as popular as we are!” Damon wrote to The Prowl in an email.

In past markets, businesses like Whole Foods, People’s Bank, Burgess Insurance, and Environmental Services Incorporated have sponsored the event with games and crafts such as Connect Four. 

The Farmers Market is a great community event as it allows people in the town to meet others and interact with their neighbors, all while buying products from local farms and businesses.

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About the Contributors
Zoe Gagliardo
Zoe Gagliardo, Staff Writer
Zoe Gagliardo is a freshman at South Windsor High School and is excited for her first year as a staff writer for The Bobcat Prowl. In her free time, she loves to play lacrosse, field hockey, being with friends and going shopping. Zoe has loved writing since she was in elementary school and hopes to continue the love for it through The Bobcat Prowl.
Lilliana Girouard
Lilliana Girouard, Staff Writer
Lilliana Girouard is a freshman at South Windsor High School. She’s excited to start writing for The Bobcat Prowl this year. She’s on the swim team at the high school and swims outside of school as well. In her free time, she likes to read, spend time with friends, and attend other swim meets to help out. After high school, she aims to be involved in the field of law.