May 12th is the day that all mothers of South Windsor are celebrated and shown endless appreciation for simply being mothers.
Mother’s Day is a globally celebrated holiday where mothers are acknowledged for their hard work and the trials that coincide with being a mom.
South Windsor High School has many mothers in the building who make various sacrifices and put extreme amounts of effort into providing for their children. This Sunday is a day where they can be honored for their work.
“I was blessed with my child who I love and adore, and it’s so hard to put everything into words, because she chose me and every day is a gift with her, so every day is Mother’s Day with her,” Art teacher, Lisa Argenta, told the Prowl.
Although Mother’s Day is only celebrated one day of the year, mothers should be recognized year-round. Being a mother is a full-time job that goes unrecognized far too often.
“Just like every other holiday, I don’t think Mother’s Day should be the one day you acknowledge moms. It should be a yearly, ongoing thing for the rest of your life, but it is nice to stop and pause and reflect on the most important person in your life,” English teacher, and mom, Amanda Kelsey said.
Moms strive to accommodate their children’s needs and wants, no matter the occasion. They are consistently devoted to their children and present in their lives no matter their struggles.
It is frequently expected that moms deserve respect constantly, and should be spoiled on Mother’s Day to show appreciation.
“I think it’s important to take a day to recognize all that we do. It’s sometimes a lot being a mom, and it’s nice to have a day where our hard work and unconditional love is recognized,” Spanish teacher Katherine Matheson explained.