With the rec season coming to a close, it was a great year and lots of great games in the playoffs. Let’s not forget upsets like the 4 seed Mavericks lead by seniors Andrew Goulet and Gabe Reagan. With the absence of senior Ollie Durbois, the 1 seed Warriors had a heartbreaking loss getting upset by the Mavs.
On the other side of the bracket, it was the 2 seed Thunder, lead by seniors Aidan Walsh and Rayan Zaki, playing against the 3 seed Lakers, lead by seniors Eoin Gatley and Alex Ezedine. The game came down to the wire, but the Thunder came out on top with a two point win.
The championship game was the number 4 seed Mavs versus the 2 seed Thunder and was not a disappointment. Walsh led the Thunder in scoring and Zaki was a great leader to ultimately get the win for the Thunder.
“The season was definitely shaky, but we came away with some good basketball. Ollie was never even close,” senior Rayan Zaki said.
“We had a lot of fun this year and finishing like that was great. Everyone was putting in full effort in the playoffs, and it was really fun to compete like that,” senior Aidan Walsh commented.
One of the most fun teams to keep up with was the Kings, lead by senior Rehan Shaikhunday.
The team had their own Instagram account where they posted weekly updates of how their team was doing.
With many new juniors and seniors joining the league this year, the competition was at an all time high with the result of almost all of the games being competitive and entertaining. Some new players with successful years were Durbois and seniors Zach Bossie, Mitch Chaves and junior Jake Pflederer.
Overall, it was a great year for rec basketball and as competitive as ever. With many new players and many returning players, it was a great last season for the seniors and juniors who participated.