As the 2024 track season comes to a start, everyone is getting hyped to compete on the track. The first practice was on March 18th, 2024. The results of the first track practice of the season were great having all of the athletes show up ready to run off into the season.
The girls and boys track teams have two new coaches this year, Ms. Nicole Howard, and Mr. Dan Ward. They will be joining the returning coaches, Mrs. Sherri McCullough and Mrs. Amanda Flachsbart for the girls’ track and field team, and coaches Mr. Dave Hodge, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Dave Hodge Jr, and Mrs. Griebel, from the indoor track coaching staff, have all returned to coach the boys track team this season.
The new coaches were a pleasant surprise to the players. It is always fun getting new people joining the track season as well as new coaches and insight into what the team could do better as the season progresses.
One of SWHS ‘beloved chemistry teachers, Ms. Howard, is one of the two new additions to the coaching staff of the track team.
“I am so excited to be here. I have always wanted to be a track coach since I ran track in high school and [because of] the impact it had on me. Now that I get to be here and doing it, I’m loving every minute of it,” Coach Howard explained.
Coach Howard has been working very hard to help all of the players keep their stamina up and keep going even when they feel like they can’t finish the workout.
The other new coach is from East Windsor High School. Coach Ward is also a wonderful help to the girls’ javelin. He gives them pointers and helps them make sure they are throwing the javelin correctly.
“I’m excited [to work with this team]. I spent 20 years in East Windsor High School as an assistant coach and head coach of the boy’s team, so I’m excited to come to a new much larger school with a program that has a lot of participants who seem very excited. It has been great to work with them, so it’s a new challenge I am looking forward too,” Coach Ward commented in an interview with The Prowl.